Software and me
console.log("Hello World!");
I am a self taught Fullstack Software Developer; though I'm pursuing my bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering but curiosity to learn something know no bounds, not having a CSE or IT degree didn't stop me from following my curiosity and intuition and learning software engineering. I like software engineering (it's not that I'm obsessed), creating software, and learn different tech stacks, languages and technologies especially the JavaScript and React ecosystem. I know, I know some people don't like javascript due it's quirks, but I like it, comes pretty naturally.
I find satisfaction and contentment in learning and seeking knowledge. I have become kinda addicted to learning new technologies and feel bad if I don't learn something new and better myself.
I am well versed with wide range of burning technologies like MongoDB, Python, JavaScript, React, Express.js, TypeScript, GraphQL, AWS and more. But I am more inclined towards the Fullstack JavaScript and I love React among all the technologies and frameworks. Working for a cause, creating world revolutionizing softwares and technologies, learning, teaching, bringing value to people, helping others, anything that makes a world a better place (and yes earning a lot of money) that's something that motivates me I and want to do.
Technologies, frameworks and languages I work with:
- Frontend:
HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, Typescript, SASS, React, Redux, Next.js, Gatsby, Apollo Client - Backend:
Nodejs, Express.js, NestJS, Python, Django, REST APIS, GraphQL, TypeGraphQL, NGINX, JWT, OAuth,
django-rest-framework, graphene-django - Databases:
MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Firebase, Mongoose, TypeORM, Prisma - Testing:
Unit testing, Integration testing, Jest, Enzyme, Mocha, Chai, Supertest, React Testing Library, Puppeteer,
Cypress - App Development:
React Native, Expo, Electron.js - DevOps:
Git, Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD, Circle CI, Travis CI, AWS (EC2, ECS, EKS, S3, Lambda, API Gateway,
DynamoDB, Cloudformation, Elastic Beanstalk, IAM, VPC, Route53, RDS, ElasticCache, CloudFront, aws-amplify)
Areas of Interest:
(Microservices, Micro-frontends, Distributed Systems, Application Containerization, Software
Engineering, Fullstack, Cloud Computing, Serverless, Database Design, System Design, Design Patterns, Architectural patterns and principles, Web3, Blockchain, Decentralized Apps)